Over 2500 species of flea have been identified so far in the world, with 62 species found in the UK. They range from around 1-8mm in length and can live over 2 years. They are known for their physical abilities, being able to jump more than 100 times their own body length. The most common species in the UK is the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis, adults are around 2.5 mm in length and despite its name will live on many animals.
Fleas are a pest in the home or work environment. They inhabit many mammals and birds, living on the body and nest of their host. They can enter an environment on a host, packaging, soft furnishing or even by their own mobility.
The main problem from fleas is when they bite the host to obtain the blood they consume. This bite is often not felt by humans, but is noticed afterwards when the saliva from the flea causes irritation to the area.
When treating fleas it is important to be aware that they have four distinct stages to life cycle: egg, larvae, pupae and adult. Only treating one of these stages will not clear the infestation, but our targeted approach will eliminate the problem.